Community Chorus of Detroit: Raffle Information for Ticket Sellers
Fundraiser for Participants in the October 2019 CCD Performance Tour of Spain & Portugal
Dear Community Chorus of Detroit friends –
We are ready for a great tour of Spain and Portugal in October of this year as Detroit’s Musical Ambassadors to the World!
To assist with the cost of the trip, we are offering an optional raffle fundraiser with a fabulous prize: a long weekend for two in Paris over Veterans Day weekend 2019 or MLK weekend 2020 (winner’s choice) – a $2,000+ value! All proceeds from each seller’s ticket sales go directly toward the seller’s own trip.
Please contact me, Diane Linn, if you have any questions about the raffle:
Raffle details:
–The CCD raffle begins on February 24 with books of tickets available at our CCD rehearsal, and the prize drawing will be at our rehearsal on March 24, 2019. No money is required up front to take tickets to sell.
–All money, sold-ticket stubs, unsold tickets with stubs attached, and the completed Ticket Sales Form (below) are due at our rehearsal on March 24 by 1:00, in order to be included in the raffle. A receipt for all money turned in on 3/24 will be given to each seller, and all funds received will be sent to Encore tours for deposit in the sellers’ individual accounts. Please bring your checkbook on 3/24, in case we need to make adjustments for total payment.
–Tickets are $15 each or $50 for a book of five. For individual ticket sales, please pull the books apart and turn in stubs individually. For sales of whole ticket books, stubs must remain stapled, with all five tickets sold to one purchaser. All stubs in the book must be filled out completely for the drawing.
–Checks should be made out to “Encore Tours.” Ticket purchases are not tax deductible.
–In order to turn in money for raffle ticket sales, sellers must be registered for the CCD October tour of Spain and Portugal and have paid the first non-refundable payment.
–There is no maximum number of tickets that sellers may sell.
–Please print some additional prize flyers (attached) as a sales aid. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the info on the flyer, in order to be able to answer purchasers’ questions.
–Tickets may be sold to anyone age 18 or over. While most sellers will sell to family, friends, and colleagues, if you know someone with a store or someone hosting an event, with their permission you are welcome to set up a table and sell tickets to strangers age 18 or over.
–Fees for any bounced-check fees incurred by Encore will be deducted from the participant’s account, and the prize will not be awarded officially until the winner’s check has cleared.
–Friends may sell raffle tickets for you; however, all sales (money and filled-out stubs) must be turned in only by the registered Encore Tour participant for whom the money is designated – i.e. “CCD Seller” on the stub.
–I will contact the winner to claim the prize. The winner must register for the trip prize with Encore Tours by the date specified on the attached flyer. Encore will be happy to work with the winner if s/he should wish to extend the trip, at the winner’s expense.
In a baggie with your name on it, please turn in 1) this completed form, 2) all payments, 3) any unsold tickets with stubs attached, and 4) all filled-out sold-ticket stubs at our CCD rehearsal on March 24, by 1:00 – no exceptions, please, as the prize drawing will follow shortly thereafter. All checks should be written to “Encore Tours.” For any books of tickets you sold (5 tickets/$50), please be sure: 1) to leave the staple in the ticket book stubs, 2) that all stubs are filled out completely, and 3) that the 5 tickets in the book were sold to only one person. Thank you!
YOUR NAME:__________________________________________________________________________
Number of tickets sold individually at $15 each: _______ # of tickets X $15 = $___________
Number of books of five tickets sold: _______ # of books X $50 = + $___________
Total amount of money turned in = $___________
Please confirm total amount of money turned in, above:
Total checks $__________ + total cash* $__________= same as total above $___________
*Please try to avoid turning in any cash. Instead, write a check (to “Encore Tours”) for the total cash you received.
Please do not detach; leave page intact. This portion is for office use.
This form will be filled out and returned to you by Thom or Diane Linn, to confirm the total amount of money turned in on March 24, 2019. This payment will be deposited by Thom Linn in your ACIS Encore Tour account to be put toward your trip fee. Please allow 2-3 weeks after 3/24 for your deposit to be posted on your Encore account.
Received from registered tour participant (YOUR NAME):______________________________________
$________________ for deposit to your Encore Tours account