Registration is closed for Fall 2024.  Check back in February 2025 for registration for the Spring 2025 semester.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Community Chorus of Detroit!  We are a non-auditioned chorus that welcomes all singers who:
  • have at least basic music-reading skills; many of our members are experienced singers.
  • have a pleasant voice quality and are able to match tones and basic musical patterns.
  • are willing to commit to regular rehearsal attendance, with a maximum of two absences per season (fall or spring).
  • are willing to be supportive of the chorus through active participation, volunteerism, ticket sales, and concert promotion.

Please read our Chorus Handbook for complete information about participation in the chorus.  Registration signifies that you have read the handbook.

Dues are $70 per semester or $125 for the season (if paid in September only for the fall and spring semesters).  Dues may be paid by Paypal (at or by cash or check (to “CCD”) in person at the first or second rehearsal of the semester.  The deadline for dues payment is the end of the second rehearsal.

To register, please fill out the following form, and we will be in touch shortly with more information about the chorus.

CCD Registration

"*" indicates required fields

On a 1-10 scale (1 = a little choral experience with basic music-reading; 10 = extensive experience singing major works, possible solo work, proficient sight-reading).

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